Grey Squirrel Dish Cloth

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

As promised in my newest Two Old Biddies Mini Mystery, Make-One Missing, here are the dishcloth instructions so you can copy them and not have to try to follow 34 rows on your Kindle.

Materials: cotton or cotton-blend yarn (I used Lion Brand’s Cotton Ease in Stone), and size 8 . . . → Read More: Grey Squirrel Dish Cloth

Kindle Unlimited

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

First of all, let me say that I’m finishing the first draft of Make-One Missing, the eighth book in the Two Old Biddies Mini-Mystery Series. That’s the good news.

Now let me address Amazon’s newest program, Kindle Unlimited. As an author, I’m not a fan of this. It has its . . . → Read More: Kindle Unlimited

Writing Hard, Hardly Working

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

I’m writing hard and fast to finish the first draft of Make-One Missing–the 8th in my Two Old Biddies Mini-Mysteries. (Make-one, for those of you who don’t knit, is a term that means to pick up and knit the bar between two stitches, thus adding a stitch to your row.)

. . . → Read More: Writing Hard, Hardly Working

How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, it’s finally here. How To Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death is a nonfiction book for writers who are tired of trying to plot out their entire book before they begin writing. It gives the writer some pre-writing things to think about, without the drudgery of plodding . . . → Read More: How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death

A Hard-Working Writer Writes Every Day

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’ve been hard at work on my nonfiction book How To Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. Happily, I’m through the major editing process, and only have the final line-edit to go. Then it’s back to the Two Old Biddies Mini-Mysteries. (The gals in my knit group . . . → Read More: A Hard-Working Writer Writes Every Day