Where do You Write?

Hi Fellow Readers & Writers–

Sorry it’s been so long between posts. May is a hectic month for me. Mother’s Day, so many birthdays, and my husband and I just celebrated our 44th Anniversary! Wow! Imagine that. And I haven’t even tried to kill him once! Guess I take out all my aggressions in my . . . → Read More: Where do You Write?

Where do Writers Get Their Ideas

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

For you Readers–Smothered in Yarn is now available for your Kindle or Kindle App. YEA!

For you Writers–The most-asked question to writers is, “Where do you get your ideas?” So, here goes…

It’s how writers view the world–the actual world, and the worlds we imagine. I wore a T-shirt yesterday . . . → Read More: Where do Writers Get Their Ideas