Tucson Festival of Books

Dear Readers and Writers–

I just got back from attending the Tucson Festival of Books at the University of Arizona in Tucson. WOW! It was well worth the 7-hour trip.

I met Jenn McKinlay, Nevada Barr, J.A. Jance, Margaret Coel, and several other mystery writers. What a kick! I also attended three panel discussions, which . . . → Read More: Tucson Festival of Books

Cozy Mysteries

Hello Fellow Readers & Writers–

Sales are booming for Knitting Can be Murder! Thanks to readers, I’ve figured out that cozy mysteries are still in favor with the public. YEA!

So what is a cozy mystery, anyway? Well, it used to be set in a small town, murders happened “off screen,” and the detectives were . . . → Read More: Cozy Mysteries

Writer’s Blog

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

If you like to read cozy mysteries (little or no blood and gore), I’ve found a website that lists TONS of them. It’s Cozy-Mystery.com She lists cozies by themes and has all sorts of good information. Check her out!

I love that as a writer, people pay me . . . → Read More: Writer’s Blog