How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, it’s finally here. How To Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death is a nonfiction book for writers who are tired of trying to plot out their entire book before they begin writing. It gives the writer some pre-writing things to think about, without the drudgery of plodding . . . → Read More: How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death

A Hard-Working Writer Writes Every Day

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’ve been hard at work on my nonfiction book How To Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. Happily, I’m through the major editing process, and only have the final line-edit to go. Then it’s back to the Two Old Biddies Mini-Mysteries. (The gals in my knit group . . . → Read More: A Hard-Working Writer Writes Every Day

Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’m beginning a new book today. It’s nonfiction, this time– How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. It will be all about what you do before to actually start writing your mystery novel. It goes through the process I use to write my books.

I’ve mind . . . → Read More: Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

What I’m Working On . . .

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’m going crazy, but I’m working on TWO books at the same time. One is for my writer friends, and one is for the Two Old Biddies fans.

The nonfiction book will be called How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. In the world of writing, . . . → Read More: What I’m Working On . . .