Writing Hard, Hardly Working

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

I’m writing hard and fast to finish the first draft of Make-One Missing–the 8th in my Two Old Biddies Mini-Mysteries. (Make-one, for those of you who don’t knit, is a term that means to pick up and knit the bar between two stitches, thus adding a stitch to your row.)

. . . → Read More: Writing Hard, Hardly Working

Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’m beginning a new book today. It’s nonfiction, this time– How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. It will be all about what you do before to actually start writing your mystery novel. It goes through the process I use to write my books.

I’ve mind . . . → Read More: Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

A Writer’s Schedule

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

The way I see it, you have five steps in writing a book and getting it out to be published, and each step must have its own schedule.

Step One: Research & Planning~This is the stage that needs no schedule. You’re brainstorming and mind mapping, and generally having a blast. . . . → Read More: A Writer’s Schedule