Why Are You Procrastinating with Your Writing?

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

I recently had the flu and couldn’t write for a week.  I was trying to work on the tenth in the Two Old Biddies Series, and even when I felt better, I couldn’t seem to get back on track.

I listened to You-Tube videos about procrastinating, and read blogs about how to get out of my rut.  I had to figure out why I wasn’t being productive in my writer’s practice.

Then I did what I usually do, and started writing in my journal. (If you don’t have one, I strongly suggest you pick up a composition book at the dollar store and start writing in it.)  I seem to always be able to work through problems in my journal.

What I found was that I was getting tired of the T. O. B. books, and that I resented the fact that I felt “forced” into writing one after another, just because they’re my best-selling books.  I remember reading the eighteenth or nineteenth in a series from my favorite author.  When my husband asked me how I liked the book, I told him the main character didn’t have her usual spunk, and that the author must be getting tired of writing the same old thing.

That got me to thinking about book ten in the T. O. B. series.  If I pushed ahead and wrote the book, would my readers feel my apathy toward my characters and the story?  I NEVER want my reviews to show that, so I’ve decided to switch gears and write something new–a collection of short stories and flash fiction I’ve been playing with over the years.

Will I ever get back to the T. O. B.?  Of course.  Just not right now.  I need a break.  My characters need a break.

So, what am I telling you about writing and procrastination?  Look at what you’re writing.  If there isn’t fire behind it, it won’t be any fun, and it won’t feel alive–to you or your readers.  Maybe you need to switch gears, as I am doing.  This isn’t an excuse to abandon your project.  You need to finish what you start, just as I intend to go back and finish the T. O. B. book.  Any unfinished projects will weigh your mind and your Muse down.  I’m just saying that maybe a change of pace is in order–at least for a little while.  Change your genre.  Write a bit of poetry.  Do something fun for a change.

I guarantee the “abandoned book” will start tugging at you again, and pretty soon the fire will ignite for your old project.  When it does, jump on it and begin writing it again.

Happy Reading and Writing to You All,




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