1st Draft Completed

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, Muffin Madness won the race with the writing book.  The first draft was completed on April 15th.  Now it’s on to editing, adding, subtracting, and all the other fun stuff that comes with the 2nd draft.  I actually like this part, because the “dry mix” of the book is down on paper, and now I get to add the icing and decorations to my book “cake.”  Fun stuff!

I let the 1st draft sit for a couple of days, so I can go back and read it with a “reader’s eye” instead of a “writer’s eye.”  It helps catch any holes in the story or any glitches that I may have missed in my frenzied writing.

Oh, and now comes the really hard part–I have to make up some muffin recipes to include in the book.  My husband said it will be tough, but he’s volunteered to be my taste tester.  Other family members and friends have volunteered to test the recipes in their own kitchens.  What a great support team I have!  Thanks, guys and gals!

So, be looking for the next in the Two Old Biddies Mini-Mystery Series around mid-May.  Not sure about the writing book, but I’m working on it.  I’ll let you know.

Happy Reading and Writing to You All . . . oh yeah, I’m on Twitter now, so follow me! 🙂


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