Cheesy Potato-Corn Chowder

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

As promised in the back of my newest book, Hooked on a Cold Case, here’s the recipe for the old Girl Scout favorite, Cheesy Potato-Corn Chowder:

1/2 cup of chopped onions, 1/2 cup of chopped celery, 1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick). Saute for approx. 3-5 minutes. Add the following ingredients:

. . . → Read More: Cheesy Potato-Corn Chowder

Good News

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, the good news is that I’m almost ready to launch the next Two Old Biddies Mini Mystery. It’s called Hooked on a Cold Case, and after a final line edit and getting the book cover from my wonderfully talented son-in-law, it’ll be ready to upload to YEA! Hope . . . → Read More: Good News

A Writer’s Schedule

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

The way I see it, you have five steps in writing a book and getting it out to be published, and each step must have its own schedule.

Step One: Research & Planning~This is the stage that needs no schedule. You’re brainstorming and mind mapping, and generally having a blast. . . . → Read More: A Writer’s Schedule

Lazy Writer?

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Sorry it’s been so long between posts, but I’m NOT a lazy writer. I finished the first draft of my newest book, Hooked on a Cold Case–the 5th in the Two Old Biddies Series–and now I’m rereading it and making corrections. Hopefully you’ll see it on Amazon sometime in November.

. . . → Read More: Lazy Writer?

Motivation for Writers

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

So you want to write your first draft. The story is in your head, and perhaps you’ve even jotted down an outline of sorts. But then something happens. All of a sudden you don’t “feel” like writing. What happened? You still like the story, you still want to write it, . . . → Read More: Motivation for Writers