Tucson Festival of Books

Dear Readers and Writers–

I just got back from attending the Tucson Festival of Books at the University of Arizona in Tucson. WOW! It was well worth the 7-hour trip.

I met Jenn McKinlay, Nevada Barr, J.A. Jance, Margaret Coel, and several other mystery writers. What a kick! I also attended three panel discussions, which . . . → Read More: Tucson Festival of Books

Thank You!

Dear Readers–

This month has been my best ever in sales, thanks to you, the readers. It’s gratifying to know that you’ve been enjoying the books I’ve worked so hard to write. I’ve received several comments about the last one–Knitting Can be Murder. Seems you really like the knitting/crocheting themed mysteries.

To that end, I’ve . . . → Read More: Thank You!

Cozy Mysteries

Hello Fellow Readers & Writers–

Sales are booming for Knitting Can be Murder! Thanks to readers, I’ve figured out that cozy mysteries are still in favor with the public. YEA!

So what is a cozy mystery, anyway? Well, it used to be set in a small town, murders happened “off screen,” and the detectives were . . . → Read More: Cozy Mysteries