New Book!

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, just in time for Valentine’s Day, my newest Annie Malone, P. I. novella is up and live on It’s called Deadly Shades of Love. I know. I know. Not really what you want to think on this heartfelt day, but there it is.

Here’s a blurb about . . . → Read More: New Book!

Scheduling for Writers

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, the first draft of Deadly Shades of Love is done, and I’m in the editing/rewriting mode right now. I’ve tried to keep to my schedule of writing everyday, but the flu got hold of me, and for a week I was no good to anyone. (And, yes, I got . . . → Read More: Scheduling for Writers

Words of Wisdom

Happy New Year, Fellow Readers and Writers–

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook, and I thought I’d pass it on: When something goes wrong in you life, just yell, “PLOT TWIST!” and move on.

And for those of you who are already toying with the idea of breaking those New Year’s Resolutions: “Our . . . → Read More: Words of Wisdom

I’d Like to Thank . . .

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

We’re getting down to the end of the year, and I have some exciting news. I’ve just surpassed the 2000-books-sold mark! I’d like to thank all my loyal readers for making this goal a reality. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I’d also like to take a moment and . . . → Read More: I’d Like to Thank . . .

What’s Next?

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Several friends have been asking me what’s next up in my writing. The answer is that I’m taking a break from the Two Old Biddies for a while. Don’t worry, I’ll get back to Megan and her knit-group’s adventures. But right now I’m working on another suspense book with Annie . . . → Read More: What’s Next?