Where Do You Get Your Ideas (con’t)

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

The question of where I get my ideas comes up a lot, so I thought I’d write another blog about it. Maybe it will spur something in you. I hope so.

Seven years ago a friend and I visited our little community cemetery. It’s quite a unique place, with gravesites . . . → Read More: Where Do You Get Your Ideas (con’t)

How to Get Started Writing

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Recently I was asked how someone could get started writing. Well, I can only tell you how I did it, and maybe that will help.

While taking care of my mother, who had Alzheimer’s, I got hold of a book by Julia Cameron (of The Artists Way fame). The book . . . → Read More: How to Get Started Writing

A Tangled Yarn

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I did it! A Tangled Yarn will be available for your Kindle or Kindle App as of Thursday, August 1st. WHEW!

Happy Reading,




A Tangled Yarn

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Just to let you know, I’ve finished the first draft of A Tangled Yarn–the 4th book in the Two Old Biddies Series. YEA!

What’s next? Well, I set it aside for a couple of days, just to clear my mind. Then I reread the entire book and make additions, corrections, . . . → Read More: A Tangled Yarn

Scheduling Your Writing

Hello Fellow Readers & Writers–

I’ve been working hard on my newest Two Old Biddies book . . .but sometimes I just don’t “feel like writing.” It’s nothing new to writers. I wouldn’t call it “Writer’s Block,” but it might just as well be, because you’re not writing. I’ve tried sticking to schedules, but my . . . → Read More: Scheduling Your Writing