What’s a Line-Edit, and Why Do I Have to Do One?

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Good news. I just finished the line-edit for Knit Ahoy! Murder at Sea. I’m meeting with my cover designer tomorrow and the book should be available on Amazon by Thursday.

But what’s a “line-edit” and why do one, you ask?

Have you ever been reading an e-book or book in . . . → Read More: What’s a Line-Edit, and Why Do I Have to Do One?

Editing Your Book

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Tomorrow I begin editing the 11th in the Two Old Biddies Series, Knit Ahoy! Murder at Sea. And that reminds me of what I’ve heard other authors say…”I hate editing my book!” But I don’t. I really like the process. Am I crazy? Not at all. Let me walk you . . . → Read More: Editing Your Book

Author’s Fans … Facebook Page

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Guess I’ve finally started moving into the world of Social Media. I just set up my Author’s Fan Page on Facebook. Check it out!

Meanwhile, I got to thinking about how all of us writers go about writing our books. Always the rebel, I’m working on TWO fiction books at . . . → Read More: Author’s Fans … Facebook Page

New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

This post is for all you writers out there who have made (or not made) resolutions for 2016.

My resolution is to “work on writing” everyday. But what does that mean, exactly?

My primary focus is my novella/novel, but there are so many other things I have to do. I . . . → Read More: New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

Why Reading is Important for Writers

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Sorry it’s been so long between posts, but I’ve been doing craft fairs, and not a lot of writing.

But I HAVE been reading quite a bit. Why is reading important for writers. Well, as Stephen King would say, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the . . . → Read More: Why Reading is Important for Writers