Almost Finished!

Hi Readers and Writers–

Well, despite every attempt to stall, my book Knitting Can be Murder is finally in it’s last edit. YEA!

And my AWESOME son-in-law has come up with yet another amazing cover for me. (He really should do this for a living! So talented!)

Look for the book to be on . . . → Read More: Almost Finished!

The Trouble with Writing is . . .

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’ve just spent an interesting week, with below freezing temps., hot water pipes frozen, dogs sick, etc. Fun, huh?

So, the trouble with writing is that when stuff comes up, we tend not to “feel” like writing. That’s where I was this last week. But nothing gets done that . . . → Read More: The Trouble with Writing is . . .


Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Recently I gave a 3 out of 5 possible stars review on The woman, who shall remain nameless, said the critique didn’t bother her as much as me leaving the links to my books afterwards. (She said I was riding the wave of her success. Oh brother!) But she . . . → Read More: Critiques

Writer’s Blog

Hello again, fellow writers and readers–

Well, another year is coming to a close, and we’re all thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions…right? Readers will hopefully keep on reading, and we writers must keep writing to give them something to read. 🙂

So, here they are…my New Year’s Resolutions: 1.)Complete my newest in the Two . . . → Read More: Writer’s Blog

Writer’s Blog

Hello fellow writers–

Procrastination. It’s a dirty word. You know you shouldn’t be doing it, or your book will NEVER get finished!

Is there a little child inside of you, with her arms crossed, stomping her foot and saying, “I don’t wanna!” Well, folks, time for that child to grow up, or at least get . . . → Read More: Writer’s Blog