Selling Through Kindle Direct Publishing

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

A lot of you have been asking what it’s like to sell through KDP. Well, here’s my experience.

It’s not an overnight success story, by any means. You’ll have to have more than one book to attract readers’ attention. During my first six months, sales were much lower than I . . . → Read More: Selling Through Kindle Direct Publishing

A Tangled Yarn

Hi Fellow Readers and Writers–

Just to let you know, I’ve finished the first draft of A Tangled Yarn–the 4th book in the Two Old Biddies Series. YEA!

What’s next? Well, I set it aside for a couple of days, just to clear my mind. Then I reread the entire book and make additions, corrections, . . . → Read More: A Tangled Yarn

The Authors’ Asylum

Greetings. This post is directed to my Writer friends–

I was reading a book about self-publishing and I came across the term “Authors’ Asylum.” It’s what agents and publishers have kept us in for YEARS. But now, fellow writers, we can break out of their constraints and get our books out there ourselves! YEA!

. . . → Read More: The Authors’ Asylum


Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Recently I gave a 3 out of 5 possible stars review on The woman, who shall remain nameless, said the critique didn’t bother her as much as me leaving the links to my books afterwards. (She said I was riding the wave of her success. Oh brother!) But she . . . → Read More: Critiques