Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, I’m beginning a new book today. It’s nonfiction, this time– How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting It to Death. It will be all about what you do before to actually start writing your mystery novel. It goes through the process I use to write my books.

I’ve mind . . . → Read More: Using Mind Mapping to Write Fiction or Nonfiction

It’s “Live” on Amazon!

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Muffin Madness is now available for your Kindle or Kindle App. YEA!

Just because Alice killed her husband 22 years ago, doesn’t mean she’s responsible for the two guys who just dropped dead in her muffin shop. Jeeze! Now her only problem is finding out who did kill them–before they . . . → Read More: It’s “Live” on Amazon!

Newest Book in the T. O. B. Series

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Finishing up the last edit of the newest T. O. B. Mini Mysteries. Muffin Madness is just waiting for last-minute typing and the cover to be okayed. I’m hoping you’ll be able to get it from by the end of this month. It’s a bit of a departure from . . . → Read More: Newest Book in the T. O. B. Series

Selling Through Kindle Direct Publishing

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

A lot of you have been asking what it’s like to sell through KDP. Well, here’s my experience.

It’s not an overnight success story, by any means. You’ll have to have more than one book to attract readers’ attention. During my first six months, sales were much lower than I . . . → Read More: Selling Through Kindle Direct Publishing

1st Draft Completed

Hello Fellow Readers and Writers–

Well, Muffin Madness won the race with the writing book. The first draft was completed on April 15th. Now it’s on to editing, adding, subtracting, and all the other fun stuff that comes with the 2nd draft. I actually like this part, because the “dry mix” of the book is . . . → Read More: 1st Draft Completed